
HFTC 2024 | FEB 6-8 | BOOTH #625

Take Frac Performance to the Next Level

Catch Corva in booth #625 at the 2024 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition to discover how Corva’s real-time Completions platform, new GeoCompletions integration, and enhanced data streams are unlocking greater operational performance and maximizing well productivity, from the Permian to the Vaca Muerta.

Why Stop by Corva's Booth?

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Set the Stage to Outperform with Enhanced Data Streams

Learn how Corva is advancing frac performance with automation, improved data quality transparency, and an arsenal of new 24/7 support tools. Stop by our booth to learn how our customers are leveraging our completions platform to: 

  • Save $3.5M annually from pumping efficiency improvements
  • Shave 80 hours on target time to design rate per year 
  • Bank $2M in savings annually from reducing swap overs


Maximize Stimulation Effectiveness with GeoCompletions

Discover how to integrate expert geological insights into your completions to tailor stage design to rock conditions and precisely place plugs and perforations. Corva GeoCompletions tightly integrates disconnected geosteering data directly into the Corva Completions platform, bringing enhanced subsurface visualization, communication, and collaboration to your workflows.


Game-Changing Tech to Improve Real-Time Performance

Visit our booth at HFTC to see how Corva powers completions to the next level by reducing latency and unlocking greater frac fleet performance.
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Our Partners

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Book Time for a Demo

Schedule a demo now with our engineering pros to see how Corva is revolutionizing completions. Or let us know what time works best for you during HFTC and we will reserve a demo just for you!
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Corva is a leader in data-driven solutions for the energy industry with its first-of-its-kind cloud-based platform that empowers operators and service companies with real-time data visualization to maximize operations safely across geoscience, drilling and completions.

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